Table of Contents
System Setup (Video)
System Setup (Text)
Depending on your country’s shipping regulations, the system might arrive in different states of assembly. For shipments outside of the UK the 9V battery is not included.
1.1 Control Box
· Connect the 9V battery
· Thread the battery cable to the side of the box to remove all excess
· Slide the battery in, making sure the button on the processing board sticks out the box
· Connect the water sensor to the board, and attach it to the watering system
· Close the box with the lid
· Plug the male connector coming out of the box in the female connector coming out of the pump
· Magnetically attach the box to the side of the system
1.2 System
· Check that the white tubing is connected to the pump and goes up the water channel to pump water up
· Fill the system up with water
· Place the lid in between the water and the top section
· If you have the larger “Diamond” system, but are using a smaller, 12cm pot, place the adapter to suspend the pot
1.3 Test Run
· After the control box and the system are setup, hold the button on the side of the box for 6 seconds to launch a test run
· When the watering cycle is finished, press the button once and count the number of beeps. It should correspond with the number of days in between the watering cycles
· Place the orchid pot inside and run the system again if necessary
The box at the back of every system has a button sticking out, which can be used for manual operation and setting overrides.
- Press the button once to hear the number of days until the next watering cycle
- Press and hold the button for 5-6 seconds to manually launch the watering cycle
System Control
The system is operated using the button sticking out of the control box.
It has the following functionality:
1. Hold the button once to hear the number of beeps corresponding to days left until the next cycle
2. Hold the button for 6 seconds to manually launch a watering cycle
3. To change the frequency of the watering cycles hold the button down for:
- 23 seconds to water once every 1 day
- 27 seconds to water once every 2 days
- 35 seconds to water once every 3 days
- 45 seconds to water once every 4 days
… etc. in 10 second increments up to…
- 145 seconds to water once every 14 days
Troubleshooting and Errors
If a watering cycle was meant to take place, but the system did not record water touching the sensor, the system will start to beep continuously every 2 minutes (beep peep).
What to do:
- Take the orchid out of the system
- Check that the water sensor cable is plugged into the box at the back. Unplug and plug back in. The two tips of the sensor are at a level that the water can reasonably reach. So, they aren’t above the two draining holes.
- Check that the system has sufficient water; top up if you can.
- Press and hold the button on the box for 5-6 seconds. This will force the watering cycle to take place manually.
If the water is coming up:
- Check that the water comes up to the sensor and stops.
- If the water stops and continues to come up shortly after, maintaining a set water level, let the cycle finish, and the beeping should stop.
- If the water comes up, but continues to flow past the sensor and drains via the two holes, then the water sensor is unplugged or is broken. Water sensors very rarely ever break, so make sure you’ve rechecked everything again one more time. Get in touch at if you’re still experiencing the issue. Please do provide video evidence, as we may be able to better assist you this way.
If the water is not coming up, but you can hear the pump working:
- This means that the nylon tube that connects the pump has popped out.
- Wait for the cycle to stop and pour the water out.
- Take the lid out.
- Ensure that the tubing is connected to the top of the pumps, and it goes all the way into the hole that goes up to the pot section.
If no water is coming up, and you can’t hear the pump:
- If you’ve had the system for a period of several years, this can mean that the battery is out of charge, so you should replace the battery. Open the lid of the box at the back, pull up on the battery connector to bring the battery out, unplug the battery and plug a new one in. The system runs off a single 9V battery.
- If you haven’t had the system for that long, then most likely a debris is stuck inside the pump. Watch the video below on how to clean it.
- Get in touch at if you are experiencing any issues that this guide has not assisted you on. Will be happy to assist!